The reason why family photos are important depends on the family. For starters, family photos let people connect to their past. They can see loved ones who have passed away recollect a particularly happy family gathering. Family photos are so valuable that they serve as more than just reminders of loved ones and happy memories. When children see their family as a unit, psychologists believe that family photos can boost their self-esteem. They also report that possessing family images that they can touch and see on a regular basis supports their self-esteem-boosting notions. This is why knowing how to take proper family photos is so important.

Tips on How to Take the Perfect Family Portrait

Taking the perfect shot requires cooperation

Having your family portrait photography taken can be difficult for both the photographer and the family, especially when there are young children involved. To take a fantastic family photograph, you need to plan ahead and know how to direct the subjects. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Locations With Good Lighting

Natural lighting is more accessible than you might expect. The open shade technique is an excellent way to achieve decent lighting. In order to use this technique, you must first locate a site where you can obtain a strong overhead light. Once you’ve found that spot, make sure there’s something that can provide shade so you can stand beneath it. Gazebos, large trees, umbrellas, and bridges, for example, are some structures you can utilize. It’s crucial to experiment with the equipment and structures around you when using this technique. 

  • Have All Subjects Sit Down

Having the family sit down is a terrific approach to incorporate everyone and make them feel at ease while being photographed. It’s easier to manage the children, if any, and senior members of the family will not be required to remain standing while the rest are trying to perfect their poses. Because everyone is seated, there is a greater sense of calm. Also, when it comes to props, you have a lot of leeway. You can use warm blankets, couches, picnic tables, and even your pets as props!

  • Dealing With the Kids

Allow the children to be children. Most professional photographers advise against forcing children to smile or strike a pose. Forcing them will just irritate them further, causing stress for both the family and the photographer. Children, like adults, want a sense of comfort and relaxation. So speak with the kids, get to know them, and make them feel at ease. Then and only then will photographers be able to capture genuine emotion.

  • Getting the Right Angle

When it comes to photographing images, getting the perfect angle is crucial. This covers not only the subjects’ positions, but also the lighting, prop arrangements, and virtually everything else that goes into taking a photo. Make sure the lighting effects, backgrounds, and how the family will pose have all been considered. Check to see whether everything is working perfectly, and take a few test photographs.

  • Selecting Awesome Backgrounds

The background can help convey the sentiments and events that occurred at the time the shot was taken. It sets the tone for the entire image. That’s why it’s critical to have the right background. However, picking any attractive background isn’t enough. For starters, it must reflect the tone that the family wants to express. Second, it must be just that. A background. The family must remain the focal point of the picture. Backgrounds should provide effects and beauty without taking away the spotlight.

Dos and Don’ts for Taking Family Portraits

Taking family photographs is one great opportunity that helps convey and commemorate the love between family members. Here are some do’s and don’ts when taking family photos to make the experience great for both the family and the photographer. 


  • Provide Direction on How to Pose

Because most people are not experts when it comes to posing, they don’t normally know what to do when their photographs are taken. Suggest what each person can do in front of the camera but never push them to do it. If they feel uncomfortable doing a certain pose, then offer another suggestion.

  • Communicate With the Family 

Effective communication can assist you in obtaining the ideal photograph. They’ll never be able to figure out why things aren’t working out in the shot if the family doesn’t know what the photographer wants and if the photographer doesn’t know the family’s wishes. It’s critical that both sides speak with one another so that they can both convey their preferences. For example, if the theme of the photograph involves having the family members try out some outfit ideas for their family photo, make sure each person is informed.

  • Take the Photos When It’s Convenient for Younger Children

Families have a tight schedule that must be observed, especially with young children. Children’s midday naps, for example, is something that must be taken into consideration. If photo shoots are scheduled during these times, kids may become irritable. Children can be difficult to deal with, so it’s crucial to schedule the photography sessions at a time when the children are at their best behaviour.


  • Edit the Photos Too Much

Over-editing images can make it appear tacky. While it may be necessary to alter the image to a certain extent, make sure to stick to the standard modifications, like colour fixing and cutting out anything that doesn’t belong in the shot. Make the photo appear as natural as possible.

  • Take the Photo With the Wrong Lighting

The incorrect lighting can either make subjects excessively gloomy or pull the spotlight away from the family. When it comes to taking the perfect shot, it’s crucial to check that all of the variables are in sync.

  • Set Your Aperture Value Low

Using the low aperture settings can blur out essential aspects of the photograph.

The aperture affects how much light the camera absorbs and the depth of field. The lower the aperture, the blurrier the background. Keep in mind that you want them to stand out in the photo.

Nothing beats the quality of family photos taken by professionals

More individuals are drawn to taking their family photos now that smartphones can capture high quality images that can rival even that of professional cameras. While this is great and certainly cost-effective, it pales in comparison to hiring a professional. After all, a professional photographer is well-versed in the technical aspects of capturing the perfect shot. 

Twenty5 Films is simply a phone call away if you’re seeking specialists who can take amazing family photos. To schedule an appointment, call 905-741-3697 or email [email protected].

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